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Blog | Richard Huf
Senior front-end developer.

Areas of interest include Design Systems, CSS, React, Accessibility, UI development, Typescript, good music and sci-fi, and the open web.


  1. Accessible touch target sizes and inline links
  2. Create AI generated images with Midjourney
  3. Learning Typescript fundamentals... with cats 🐱
  4. Vue Dynamic Directive Arguments
  5. Building a JAMStack site with Nuxt, Prismic and Netlify
  6. Understanding Javascript's Boolean object constructor
  7. How to create a Todo list app with React
  8. What is a Design System
  9. On learning
  10. Using Node Version Manager and .nvmrc to automatically switch Node versions per project
  11. Career Milestones Document
  12. Fun with ES6 Classes, inheritance, and Vue JS
  13. JS Calculator with ES6 and Babel
  14. Media List PHP App
  15. Offline API docs at your fingertips with Dash and Alfred
  16. Highlights from DrupalSouth 2015
  17. How and why I built my blog from scratch