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Blog | Richard Huf
Senior front-end developer.

Areas of interest include Design Systems, CSS, React, Accessibility, UI development, Typescript, good music and sci-fi, and the open web.

Highlights from DrupalSouth 2015

As the 2 day conference that brings together Drupal community members from around Australia and the southern hemisphere comes to a close, I thought I’d look back at some of the best parts of the conference. I'll break this post into two parts, as it's taking me some time to write.

Around 300 attendees, volunteers, presenters and sponsors came to the Melbourne exhibition and convention centre. Developers, designers, content strategists, UX, accessibility and business practitioners presented a wide variety of talks. In between talks, attendees got to know each other, eat some great food, network, and talk shop.

The Drupal conference tagline, “Come for the code, stay for the community” really sums up the feel to the conference. Many talks were centred around the continued work and upcoming (eventual) release of Drupal 8, and the way so many passionate people collaborate so closely on this upcoming release is exemplary of the inclusive, supportive nature of the Drupal community as a whole.

For me personally, there were a few great talks, BoFs (Birds of a feather) and moments that were a highlight.

Angie Byron Keynote


The first day keynote was by Angie Byron (webchick). A Drupal evangelist, Angie presented her top 8 features of Drupal 8. As a core contributor who’s very heavily involved in the direction of Drupal 8, she demonstrated the best feature that we can look forward to. The standouts for me were:

Amelia Schmidt - Responsive Design Pitfalls


This talk touched on some of the issues that I've come across when trying to design a responsive site. Amelia outlined some 'Red Flags' to watch out for in a design; things that can cause problems down the road.

Some of these included:

Amelia also demonstrated webflow Webflow allows designers to create responsive sites, with an easy to use interface. As they use a GUI to create the site, webflow writes clean sematic HTML and CSS in the background. CSS transitions and JS behavious like animation, modals etc can even be prototyped by the designer.

This can be a good platform for designers who are unfamiliar with HTML and CSS to create responsive designs. A front end developer can then export the code from webflow, and use it as a base to develop their front end.

When designers use tools like Photoshop or Illustrator to create their designs, they can easily design something that is hard to preproduce with CSS. Using tools like webflow can alleviate problems like this.

The slides for Amelia's presentation can be found here