# Javascript
Understanding Javascript's Boolean object constructor
I came across an interesting behaviour recently when working with the Boolean global object constructor in Javascript. It took me a bit of reading to understand why my code wasn't behaving the way I expected, so I thought it was worth delving a bit deeper.
LinkHow to create a Todo list app with React
I've spent some time recently learning React. I've been working with Vue primarily for a couple of years, so it'll be interesting to see how the two frameworks compare. Everyone always praises Vue for it's shallow learning curve, and so far React has proved to be harder to learn. But I can also see that once you get past a certain level of familiarity, React would be a lot of fun to work with.
LinkFun with ES6 Classes, inheritance, and Vue JS
Here's a codepen experiment using Javascript's ES6 Classes
LinkJS Calculator with ES6 and Babel
I built this JS calculator as an excuse to experiment with vanilla Javascript, and use some of the new ES6 syntax.