# Learning

Learning Typescript fundamentals... with cats 🐱

Learning some Typescript fundamentals, with cats. 🐱


Vue Dynamic Directive Arguments

This demo shows how to dynamically assign a DOM event to an element in Vue, using Dynamic Directive Arguments to conditionally bind an event to an element.


Building a JAMStack site with Nuxt, Prismic and Netlify

The JAMStack allows you to do some pretty awesome things. With Nuxt, a server-side rendering framework for Vue, and Prismic, a headless CMS that's super nice to work with, you can do some pretty neat stuff.


Understanding Javascript's Boolean object constructor

I came across an interesting behaviour recently when working with the Boolean global object constructor in Javascript. It took me a bit of reading to understand why my code wasn't behaving the way I expected, so I thought it was worth delving a bit deeper.


How to create a Todo list app with React

I've spent some time recently learning React. I've been working with Vue primarily for a couple of years, so it'll be interesting to see how the two frameworks compare. Everyone always praises Vue for it's shallow learning curve, and so far React has proved to be harder to learn. But I can also see that once you get past a certain level of familiarity, React would be a lot of fun to work with.


On learning

It's worth touching on how to go about learning something new, (lately I've been learning React). Everyone has their own unique learning style. When I was starting out my career, I think I was super eager, and just wanted to jump into things and start building something. It can be enticing to just start coding; you want to see something tangible as a result of your learning efforts as quickly as possible.


How and why I built my blog from scratch

I've recently rebuilt my blog from the ground up. I did this as an excuse to get better at PHP, and have some fun with some technologies I've been meaning to have a play with.
